About Course
Course Description
This course is an analysis of the Psalter and wisdom books of the Old Testament. It includes a study of Hebrew poetry, along with a study of the purpose, message, and function of the Psalms and wisdom books. This course has a particular focus on various methods and approaches to these books.
Course Objectives
- Demonstrate an understanding of the basic content, structure, and historical background of Psalms and wisdom books (Engagement and Motivation)
- Recognize and describe major features of Hebrew poetry and their significance for interpretation (Performance and Action)
- Exegete a passage from Psalms or the Wisdom books by utilizing a variety of methods and by appropriately using digital resources (Performance and Action)
- Engage in theological reflection from Psalms and/or the wisdom books (Reflection and Critique)
- Appropriate a passage from the Psalms or Wisdom books to a ministry context (Commitment and identity)
Course Content
Assignment on Book of Psalms