CLASSES ON INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT & OT SURVEY |   Date: 09, 10 AUGUST / Time - 9.00-11.00 PM [IST] , 7:30 - 9:30 PM [UAE]       

Master of Divinity (M.Div)

Master of Divinity program seeks to train Christian leaders in the areas of applied Christian living and ministry. This program is designed for students who want to aspire to be leaders in Christian ministry. Upon graduation students will have a deep understanding of the church and its context. It will also help to have deeper commitment in developing spiritual maturity in others as well as themselves. It will also inculcate a professional skill that will enable to lead congregation and institution. This program will catalyse to use theological principles to make independently formed judgements on contemporary issues in the post-Christian world. 

Graduates are equally prepared to continue their studies to pursue an advanced professional degree.


Course Outcome

The outcomes of the M.Div. program is to prepare graduates to,

  1. Demonstrate mastery of the advanced skills necessary for instructing and developing faith in themselves and others.
  2. Apply current, research-based models of ministry with a recognition of the Church’s presence in diverse settings.
  3. Have explored significant historical developments of the Christian Church, including both doctrines and practices.

Demonstrate an advanced understanding of the spiritual and personal traits necessary for ministry.


Course Structure

The course structure is based on a module system followed by an Examination [ total 5 Weeks] with eleven subjects of 2/3/4 credit hours taught each academic year. Apart from the online live instructional hour’s students are expected to view recorded lectures/documentaries as part of the instructional hours. To qualify for the Master of Divinity degree award, a candidate shall accrue an aggregate of at least 95 credit points inclusive of thesis. All the subjects are core subjects.

B.Th. upgrader will have to accrue an aggregate of at least 73 credit points inclusive of thesis.   


Course Content

Subjects and codes [* Core subjects for B.Th. upgrader}

General Studies Courses Code Credit hours
1 Research Methodology MRM 111* 3
Total credit 3


Biblical studies Courses Code Credit hours
2 Biblical canon MBS 121* 3
3 Introduction to Bible (OT) MBS 122 3
4 Introduction to Bible (NT) MBS 123 3
5 Pentateuch MBS 124* 3
6 Poetical Books MBS 125* 3
7 Prophetic movements MBS 221* 3
8 Synoptic Gospels MBS 222* 3
9 Acts of the Apostles MBS 223 3
10 Preliminary Greek MBS 224 2
11 Greek -2 MBS 225* 2
12 General Epistles & Hebrews MBS 321 3
13 Prison and Pastoral epistles MBS 322* 3
14 Johannine literature MBS 323* 3
15 Apocalyptic literature (Daniel & Revelation) MBS 324* 3
16 Old Testament Theology MBS 325* 3
17 Pauline thought with reference to Romans MBS 326* 3
Total credit 46


Theology & Ethics Courses  Code Credit hours
19 Theology 1- Theology proper, Christology & Angelology MTE 131* 3
20 Theology 2- Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology MTE 132* 3
21 Theology 3- Pneumatology, ecclesiology, eschatology MTE 231* 3
22 Asian Christian theology MTE 331* 3
23 Christian ethics MTE 332* 3
Total credit 15


Historical studies Courses Code Credit hours
24 Church history -1 up to 1550 MHS 141 3
25 Church history -2from 1550 MHS 241 3
26 Christianity in Asia (India and Middle East) MHS 341* 3


Practical Theology Courses Code Credit hours
27 Christian Education MPT 151 3
28 Biblical Hermeneutics MPT 152* 3
29 Stewardship & loyalty MPT 153 3
30 Pastoral care & counselling MPT 251 3
31 Apologetics MPT 252* 3
32 Homiletics MPT 351 3
33 Pastoral Administration and Leadership MPT 352* 3
Total credit 21


Practical Theology Courses Code Credit hours
34 Comparative Religion RS 361* 3


Mission studies Courses Code  Credit hours
35 Evangelism and Church Planting MMS 171 3
36 Biblical theology of Mission MMS 271* 3
Total credit 6


37 Thesis 5*


Thesis Requirement

All M. Div. candidates are expected to take a common research methodology course on thesis writing as the students need to write a thesis of 5 credit on the topic approved by the research committee.

The following rules must be observed regarding the preparation of the submission of the thesis:

  1. A candidate shall submit his or her thesis proposal to the Research Committee by the end of the second semester of the first year for approval.
  2. A candidate writing the M.Div. thesis is expected to work under the supervision of a qualified member of the staff of Seminary.
  3. The thesis must be printed on one side of an A4 sized paper and bound in stiff covers.
  4. Two copies of the thesis must be submitted to the Registrar on the appointed date of the final semester.
  5. The length of the thesis shall be about 15,000 words or 60- 80 pages (1.5 spaced). 
  6. The thesis should be written in the English/ Hindi language.
  7. The thesis should be the candidate’s original work and must be free of typographical and grammatical errors.
  8. Quotations and references should be acknowledged in footnotes or endnotes and a bibliography of books consulted should be appended to the thesis.



A candidate shall also submit with the thesis three copies of an abstract of approximately 300 words. The abstract shall be a brief summary of the problem, the methodology followed in the Research and the main findings. When a thesis is re-submitted following revision, three copies of a revised abstract shall also be submitted

Prior permission to publish

Prior permission from the Seminary must be obtained before a writer publishes his/her thesis. When published, the author is expected to deposit five printed copies to the Seminary with due acknowledgments

There’s no enrollment open at the moment for this program

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